Plastic Free Tea Bags: Do They Exist?

Our most recent posts have been about the growing risk of consuming microplastics, because they are everywhere. One unexpected source is tea bags! Who knew that when we make ourselves a soothing cup of tea via use of a tea bag, there is a strong possibility that the bag contains one or more forms of plastic.

Since tea drinking is quite popular, we thought that it may be helpful to learn if there are tea companies offering teas in plastic free bags.

Below are two sources of information about tea bags which may be plastic free.

The first article has a list of tea brands that may be plastic free. It provides a 2024 updated guide to some of the most available and favorite plastic free tea brands in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, and other English-speaking countries. However, take note of the authors’ disclaimer that they are primarily relying on the tea companies’ information about the composition of their tea bags.

Plastic Free Tea Bags: Which Brands Are Really Plastic Free?

This second article has its own list of tea brands that may be plastic free. Some of the listed brands are the same are those listed in the first article.

25 Plastic Free Tea Bags in 2023 For A Greener Environment


Reusing plastic water bottles, to-go containers? Scientists say that’s a bad idea.