It’s Time To Switch To Plastic-Free Chewing Gum

For many years chewing gum was made from natural substances such as chicle from the sapodilla tree. As children, we enjoyed trying different flavors and types of gum such as bubble gum. We learned that munching on it gave us pleasure, a quick way to freshen our breath, and a way to entertain others if we became skilled at blowing bubbles.

Once we acquired a taste for it, we continued to desire it.

Ah, the joy of unwrapping a fresh stick of gum and enjoying the feel, the sound, and the taste of that stick of——plastic!

Today most chewing gums are not what they used to be! They get their chewiness and elasticity from plastics such as polyethylene, the plastic used to make most plastic bags.

The following article describes what other plastics may be in chewing gums and suggests plastic-free alternative chewing gums.

Enjoy the article and your next chew!

It's Time To Switch To Plastic-Free Chewing Gum


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